1. In the world there are various spiritual movements working to bring
about great changes-a new world. It is in connection with the great world movement, the great
spiritual world movement, that this Beggar does His work.
2. This Beggar has been assigned a great
mission. And this beggar does His work in every step He walks. He gives advice or help to those
few people who come to Him, but as a general rule, His real work goes unnoticed. Please excuse
Him for giving some importance to this body.
3. Like Ramnam, Shivanam is very elevating.
Recite shivanam constantly, like pouring of oil from one pot to another, without break. Namajapa
should be sustained, just as pouring of oil, is not broken.
4. Everything that happened in the past, that
happens now, and that will happen in future, are all the will of My Father . Nothing else. We
should not get disturbed.
5. Whoever reads Ramayana feels that he is in
the presence of Sri Rama. Who ever reads Mahabharatha feels that he is in the presence of Sri
Krishna. Whoever garlands this (showing Swamiji’s )picture puts flowers, offer neivedhia and
Aarthi and tells this beggar's Name once, will be blessed by My father.
6. This Beggar is a tool in Father’s hand.
Father is using this Beggar as an instrument in His hand. His hands are here unseen. Blessings
and radiation is at all times as well the whole time, spent here.
7. There was much work done by the three
Fathers of this Beggar; Aurobindo started, Ramana Maharishi did a little and Ramadas finished.
8. To tell you the truth the whole humanity
exists only because of the Vedas, the Veda Manthras and the Great Masters. In this ancient holy
land many Great Masters have come and always some great Master or other exists here. In fact
this Holy Land, BHARATA DESAM- the Indian Nation-is only the playground of Great Masters. This
is our Land. It will always be looked after by My Father. We are lucky to be born in this Holy
9. Faith is greater than God, Nothing is
greater than Faith.Father has given a new name to the world - “Yogi Ramsuratkumar”.
10. Father has no ears, but hears. Father has
no mouth, but speaks. Father has no tongue, but tastes fruits etc. Father has no eyes, but sees.
Father has no hands, but works.
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