Yogi Ramsuratkumar Chennai Satsang Samithi

“There is no need for any japa or dhyana for you.   You are in the company of this beggar all the time.  So you are doing tapas all the time.   The greatest tapas for any one is to stay near one’s Guru and do service to Him.”

In tune with the above saying of Bhagawan Yogi Ramsuratkumar, Satsang Samithi was established in Chennai, in the year 2000. The divine words of Yogi Ramsuratkumar “Nellikai (gooseberry) for the body and Ramnam for liberation,” have impelled the Samithi to arrange for Namajapa periodically, at the residences of Bhagawan’s devotees by turns, if they so choose.

Keeping in view our Master's assertion, “Father has given a new name to the world “Yogi Ramsuratkumar,” the Sankirtan fully revolves around His name, which is the divine mantra for us. Obviously the Nama Sankirtan and Satsangh are intensively connected. With a view to continue Nama chanting and also with the intention of constructing a temple for Bhagwan, "Yogi Ramsuratkumar Satsang samithi Trust" was formed in the year 2012.

“Faith in Guru can even move the Mountains” exclaims Yogi Ramsuratkumar. With faith we will surrender at the Holy Feet of our Master and engage ourselves, as much as possible, in Nama Sankirtan.

Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar Saranalayam

It has been a long-time dream of ardent devotees of Bhagwan in Chennai to have dedicated premises within the city to worship Bhagwan and place our humble pranams at His holy feet. We were using the residence at 29, Netaji Street, VOC Nagar, Pammal, Chennai-75 as a temple for Bhagwan since 2019.

This facility is now completely reconstructed with a meditation hall which can accommodate 200 people in the ground floor. A life-size panchalogam statue of Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar is installed in the Ground floor , for the devotees to worship and be blessed with everlasting Grace of Bhagwan. Abishegam is done to Utchavar murthy and to Padham

With the Grace of Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar and with the blessings of Poojya Sri Guruji the inauguration of Saranalayam took place on 20th and 21st April followed by 48 days of Akandanama Japam.

  Daily Schedule & Events    

Morning : 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Evening : 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM

7.00 AM Opening for Dharshan with karpoora arthi
7:30 AM to 9:00 AM Nama chanting by devotees/recording
9:00 AM to 9.45 AM Ashtothram archanai and complete arthi
11:00 AM Closing the sanctum sanitorium after karpoora Arthi
12:30 AM Annadhanam by devotees
4.30 PM Open for Darshan
4:30PM to 5:00 PM Nama chanting by devotees/recording
5.15 PM Vishnu sahasranamam recording
6.00 PM Karpoora aarthi
8.00 PM Closing the sanctum sanitorium

Every Thursday
9.00 AM to 10.30 AM
Abhishekam, Alankara Aradhanai to Uthsava Vigraham and Silver Padham
Swathi Nakshatram
9.00 AM to 10.30 AM
Abhishekam, Alankara Aradhanai to Uthsava Vigraham and Silver Padham

First Saturday & Sunday of January Celebration of Bhagwan’s Jayanthi day grandiosely takes place every year (two days celebaration). Celebrations start from 0600 and ends at 2000hrs including Aganda Namam, Pathuga Abhishekam, Laksharchanai , Pooja as well as discourses by special invities. Special Annadhanam is served 3 times a day for both the days.
1st December Celebration of Bhagwan Yogi ramsuratkumar Jayanthi
20th February Celebration of Bhagwan Yogi ramsuratkumar Aradhana

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